Since we launched five years ago, our goal has been to introduce children to martial arts in a safe and fun environment. We try our best to keep the classes enjoyable so the children develop a love for training and fitness. We try to introduce them to different styles and approaches, challenging them every step of the way. Our coaches aim to instill the belief in each child that they are able to achieve anything. This is core to our mission.

We have a couple of changes coming this summer. Starting June 1, we are making some adjustments to the kid’s martial arts program schedule. First, the weekday classes (Monday and Wednesday) will begin at 4:15PM instead of 5:00PM.  The Saturday class will still be at 9:00AM. Also, the classes will be for 45 minutes, instead of one hour. We seem to lose the kid’s attention after 45 minutes.

Also, we will be bringing in different guest instructors to the Saturday classes. These instructors will be both great martial artists and people, including people like my friend Zee Abdulla.  The guest instructors will challenge the kids in different ways.

Zaineb Abdulla, 24, is organizing self-defense classes particularly for Muslim women

Zaineb Abdulla, 24, is organizing self-defense classes particularly for Muslim women

Finally, in the fall, we are looking at adding more structure to the program, including separate classes for the different age groups. Children of different ages have different needs that are difficult to provide when they are all grouped together. By having classes dedicated exclusively to kids closer in age, we will be able to provide a richer experience.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns regarding this schedule change, please let us know.

We appreciate your continued support.

Thank you,

Chicago Mixed Martial Arts