1. Initiate the kick by pushing off your rear leg and stepping out at a 45-degree angle with your lead leg at a 45-degree, landing on the ball of your foot.

  2. As you step forward with your lead leg, swing your lead arm in a circle to create momentum and generate power.

  3. Pivot on the ball of your lead leg to rotate your hips towards your target.

  4. As you pivot on your lead leg, swing your rear arm back, rotating your thump down, to help turn your hips over.

  5. Keep you rear leg relaxed and slightly bent at the knee as it accelerates toward the target.

  6. Make sure that your heel, hips, and shoulders are all facing your target (perpendicular) at the end of your kick.

  7. Keep you lead arm up and chin down to protect your head from any counter strikes.

  8. Kick your opponent with your shin, not your foot, to ensure maximum force.

  9. Return your kicking leg back to the starting position as quickly as you kicked.

  10. Always set up your rear roundhouse kick with your hands—jab, jab-cross, or even a jab-cross-hook—to draw your opponent’s hands up, opening up the legs for an attack.